On sale

Mam orau'r byd

£29.99 - £30.99

'Mam orau'r byd'. Ffrâm wedi cael ei wneud i ddangos mam a'i phlant, yr anrheg berffaith ar gyfer Sul Y Mamau.

*Gellir newid faint o wyrion o un, dau, tri neu bedwar. Rhowch wybod i mi faint yr hoffech ei gael.*

Mae yna opsiwn i'r llun yma gael ei bersonoli gydag enwau neu frawddeg o'ch dewis am £1.00 ychwanegol. Dewiswch eich ffrâm wedi ei bersonoli yntau mewn ffrâm wen, du neu effaith derw yn yr opsiwn isod (mae yna focs ar waelod y tudalen fasged gyda 'notes or instructions', dyma le chewch adael eich manylion personoli e.e. enwau, dyddiadau.

Mae'r darlun yn dod gyda dewis o ffrâm wen, du neu effaith derw (23x23cm) gyda chefndir hufen a mownt gwyn.

'Mam orau'r byd' is a welsh phrase for 'World's Greatest Mum', the perfect gift for mother's day.

*The amount of grandchildren can be changed from one, two, three of four children, please let me know how many you would like*

This can be changed with the quote/names of your choice for an extra £1.00, please select 'personalized with white/black/oak effect frame in the drop down section when selecting your frame (There is a box on the bottom of the cart page with 'notes or instructions' this is where you can leave your personalized details such as names, date or quote for your order.)

Comes with a choice of white, black or oak effect frame (23x23cm) with a cream background and white mount.

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